Pro2Future lädt herzlich zur 7. Partner Conference ein:
Wo: Johannes Kepler Universität Linz, Management Zentrum, Altenberger Strasse 69, 4040 Linz
Wann: 08. September 2022, 13-17 Uhr
Programm: (auch als PDF verfügbar)
12:00 | Reception & Welcome | |
13:00 | The Future of Pro²Future | Univ.-Prof. Dr. Alois Ferscha |
13:15 | Pro²Future The Living Centre | DI Gerd Hribernig |
13:30 | Keynote on “Industrial Product Design” | Univ.-Prof. Mag.art. Mario Zeppetzauer |
14:15 | Discussion Product Design in Pro²Future | Univ.-Prof. Dr. Gabriele Kotsis |
14:45 | Coffee Break | |
15:00 | Keynote on “Sustainability Research” | Univ.-Prof. Dr. Reinhold W. Lang |
15:45 | Discussion Sustainability in Pro²Future | Univ.-Prof. Dr. Gabriele Kotsis |
16:15 | COMET Module Proposals :: Live AI / Servitization | Univ.-Prof. Dr. Alois Ferscha |
16:45 | Farewell |
Keynote on
Industrial Product Design
Univ.-Prof. Mag.art. Mario Zeppetzauer

Keynote on
Sustainability Research
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Reinhold W. Lang

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Die Rückschau zur letztjährigen 6. Pro²Future Partner Conference & HQ Opening finden Sie hier