Muaaz Abdul Hadi, researcher from Area 4.2 – Cognitive Production Systems, took part in the World Sustainable Energy Days (WSED) in June 2021 in Wels/Austria. He presented the results from the project “Energy Management for Sustainable Production” (E-MANAGER). The conference donned topics related to sustainability with the focus on the “EU Goal of climate-neutrality by 2050” and “EU Green Deal”.
His poster, titled, “Obtaining SUSTAINABILITY through Energy Peak Optimization in NC machines” focussed on the reduction of energy peaks in NC machines, thereby saving costs and stabilizing the power grid. Further concepts of prediction of energy consumption, developed by Marcel Wuwer, was also shown in the poster. Overall development towards efficient machining strategies is thus achieved. The research work of project E-MANAGER is also being published in two journals and currently in review-phase.
#Energy-efficient-machining #SustainableProduction #PeakOptimization #StabilizingPowerGrids