A jury of experts has decided: Eleven of the 34 projects submitted to the “AI Region Upper Austria” funding call will receive funding from the Economic Affairs Department of the State of Upper Austria. The total investment sum of the selected projects is around 10.5 million euros. Around eight million euros of state funding is provided for this.
Pro²Future was able to succeed in this call with two submissions: RefactorAI and FEDAI4Industry – Congratulations to Area Manager Dr. Ouijdane Guiza and Senior Researcher Dr. Bernhard Anzengruber-Tanase!
Instead of a central supercomputer AI, FEDAI4Industry is pushing for a federated AI (FKI) made up of individual intelligences embedded in all products and production systems. Several devices train an AI model together without the data having to be collected centrally. The advantage: data from industrial partners can be processed confidentially and the AIs work resource-efficiently. This helps to increase the efficiency and sustainability of products and processes using new technologies. By combining FKI and embedded AI hardware and avoiding resource-intensive AI approaches, FEDAI4Industry will holistically examine the benefits of FKI for industrial and potential environmental savings in the solar and welding industries.
Partner: Pro2Future GmbH, Johannes Kepler University Linz, Institute for Pervasive Computing, FRONIUS INTERNATIONAL GmbH
Legacy systems are outdated software or hardware systems with outdated features and inefficient technologies that are still in use. To remain competitive in the rapidly evolving digital landscape, organizations need to modernize and bring their legacy systems up to date. To improve the source code and reduce technical debt, tedious manual refactoring is required. The RefactorAI project aims to create an AI-integrated methodology that supports developers in the refactoring process. The approach leverages the strengths of generative AI in combination with existing modernization approaches. Human supervision is also integrated to limit the disadvantages of AI, such as hallucinations from large language models (LLMs). This reduces time and costs and minimizes system vulnerability.
Partner: Pro2Future GmbH, IT Pro-Consulting & Software GmbH, Dynatrace Austria GmbH, Johannes Kepler University Linz, Institute for Software Systems Engineering
Business Upper Austria: https://www.biz-up.at/news-presse/detail/news/11-neue-forschungsprojekte-staerken-oberoesterreich-als-modellregion-fuer-kuenstliche-intelligenz
Pictures: (c) Land OÖ / Denise Stinglmayr, Andreas Hametner