Leo Botler our academic partner from the Institute of Technical Informatics – presented project work from the Pro2Future’s multi-firm project “Development Processes and Tools for Cognitive Products” at this years all-digital International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security (ARES 2020). The article titled “Jit Fault Detection: Increasing Availability in 1oo2 Systems Just-In-Time”, was coauthored by Leo Botler (TUG-ITI), Konrad Diwold (Pro2Future), Kay Roemer (TUG-ITI) and Nermin Kajtazovic (Siemens AG Österreich).
The article proposes the novel Just-in-Time soft-error mitigation strategy, which enables a system during errors to be switched to the safe state only in case a detected error would affect the systems behavior and thus increases a systems availability. The article was selected for the conferences best-paper award and received the second place.
ARES Proceedings will be published by the International Conference Proceedings Series published by ACM ICPS (ARES). Leos presentation is available via video: https://vimeo.com/444491178