Ouijdane Guiza presented a paper demonstrating research results of Area 2, Cognitive Robotics and Shopfloors, at the IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology (ICIT). The conference, took place between the 22nd and 25th of August 2022, provides a platform to present and discuss the state-of-art and future perspectives of industrial information technologies. Gathering industry experts, researchers, and academics, ICIT covers topics such as industrial cyber-physical systems, factory automation, industrial digitalization, etc.

The full paper titled “Assembly Precedence Graph Mining Based on Similar Products” proposes a novel approach for the mining of the precedence graph based on similar products. Grounded on a real-industry use case of construction machine assembly from our industry partner Wacker Neuson, this approach yields promising results and can save manufacturing companies extensive time and effort. It also allows the application of several industry solutions (assembly line balancing, ergonomics risk analysis, human-robot coordination, etc.) for which this graph is a key input.
The paper has been published recentlcy:
Ouijdane Guiza, Christoph Mayr-Dorn, Michael Mayrhofer, Alexander Egyed, Heinz Rieger, Frank Brandt: “Assembly Precedence Graph Mining Based on Similar Products” in 23rd IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology (ICIT), 2022, https://doi.org/10.1109/ICIT48603.2022.10002729