At the very renowned Annual Technical Conference of the Society of Plastic Engineering (SPE ANTEC), Senior Researcher DI Dr. Wolfang Roland from Area 4.2 and two researchers from our scientific partner JKU-IPEC (Institute of Polymer Extrusion and Compounding at JKU Linz) – DI Ursula Stritzinger and DI Alexander Hammer – presented their research results in the context of project CoExCo.
Modeling Fully Intermeshing Co-Rotating Twin Screw Extruder Kneading Blocks:
- Part A. Conveying Characteristics (Ursula Stritzinger)
- Part B. Power Consumption and Viscous Dissipation (Wolfgang Roland)
Applying the Shooting Method to Predict the Co-Extrusion Flow of Non-newtonian Fluids through Rectangular Ducts (Alexander Hammer)
Furthermore, Wolfang Roland was awarded with the SPE ANTEC Best Paper Award of the Extrusion Division with his work.