News (en)

Responsible Integration of AI Assistance Systems in the Workplace

We did it! Within the project VEKIAA (german: Verantwortungsvolle Einbindung von KI-Assistenzsystemen am Arbeitsplatz) our Researcher Jaroslava Huber and Area Manager Michael Haslgrübler managed to publish a handbook/guidline for worker and their representatives, together with project partner IFZ. Find further reports at Instagram, LinkedIn, and The book has been presented at this event. Publication: …

Responsible Integration of AI Assistance Systems in the Workplace Read More »

Publications Record Update

Find the current list of Pro²Future’s publications via the main menu > Research > Publications. The record has been updated including all publications until 2021. Further 17 journals / conference paper / bookchapters have already been published in 2022, with more than 20 publications in the pipeline. All our publications also available at Pro²Future Zotero …

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derStandard :: JUST Science

Find a recent Article in the “der Standard” Supplement Magazine JUST on the topic, how humans and AI are going to be better in cooperation:

PETRA 2022

Georgios Sopidis, Bernhard Anzengruber, and Markus Laube published project research results from AREA 1 – Perception and Aware Systems, at The 15th ACM International Conference on Pervasive Technologies Related to Assistive Environments – PETRA 2022. Georgios’ article presents an assistant system for a manual industrial assembly process fully based on wearable sensors and identifying patterns …

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A Process Model for Dashboard Onboarding

Vaishali Dhanoa, PhD student and researcher in Area 3 (Cognitive Decision Making) presented her research results at the EuroVis2022 ( conference in Rome. She presented a process model for dashboard onboarding that formalizes and unifies different onboarding strategies. The novel model introduces the onboarding loop alongside the dashboard usage loop. Publication: A Process Model for …

A Process Model for Dashboard Onboarding Read More »

Degradation Detection in a Redundant Sensor Architecture

Recently, our researcher from Area 4.1 – Cognitive Products, Amer Kajmakovic, published the research results in MDPI: Sensor Journal, Special Issue: Recent Advances in Fault Diagnostics, Prognostics, and Intelligent Condition-Based Maintenance. The article is titled: Degradation Detection in a Redundant Sensor Architecture and was co-authored with the following authors: Amer Kajmakovic, Konrad Diwold, Kay Romer, …

Degradation Detection in a Redundant Sensor Architecture Read More »

derStandard :: JUST Science

Here you will find a current article in the “derStandard” supplement JUST about a cognitive “prototype factory” for flexible production systems:

AI at the Workplace

An event of the VEKIAA project (responsible integration of AI assistance systems in the workplace) carried out by IFZ – Interdisciplinary Research Center for Technology, Work and Culture & Pro²Future. Registration: