News (en)

Success Story – Development of Cognitive Products

DEVELOPMENT OF COGNITIVE PRODUCTS COGNITIVE PRODUCTS ENABLE THEIR USER TO BE WELL SUPPORTED IN EVER-CHANGING DIGITALIZED PRODUCTION ENVIRONMENTS While digitalization enables production systems to be more flexible, the added complexity may be stressful to workers. With the establishment of assisting artificial intelligence-powered cognitive products, help is on its way. They can perceive the real world …

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Pro2Future Teambuilding

Company Trip On Tuesday, July 16, 2019, the second Pro2Future Company Trip took place. The Team enjoyed a full day trip to the beautiful Upper Austrian Salzkammergut with eating Fish on a Stick next to the Traunsee, Traveling to the Hallstätter See, going onto the Krippenstein by Cable Car, visiting an Ice Cave and closing …

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EuroVis 2019 Conference

Nikolina Jekic, Researcher in Area 3 – Cognitive Decision Support, presented the Poster “Visual Analysis of Aluminum Production Data with Tightly Linked Views” at EuroVis 2019 – 21st EG/VGTC Conference on Visualization ( The conference was held in Porto, Portugal on 3-7 June 2019.  

CKI2019 Conference

Two of our colleagues from Area 4.1 took a part in the CKI2019 conference. Conference was organized by Centre for Knowledge Interchange* (CKI) TU Graz on 22. May 2019 at Graz University of Technology. Kajmakovic Amer, had a fifteen minutes presentation, bringing the news about recent projects and happenings in the Siemens Class while Konrad …

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Rigorosum Dr. Markus Brillinger

On Friday, September 14, 2018, the rigorosum of our researcher Markus Brillinger took place. Brillinger graduated in the field of production engineering with the title “3D printing of sodium acetate trihydrate as the result of a consistent development process”. The 3D printing process developed in his dissertation was already patented in 2017. We congratulate Markus …

Rigorosum Dr. Markus Brillinger Read More »

Vortrag „Mensch/Maschine/Roboter: Technologien für Kognitive Prozesse“

Im Rahmen des diesjährigen IT Kolloquiums 2019 wurde Pro²Future von Georg Weichhart (PROFACTOR GmbH) bei seinem Vortrag „Intelligente Roboter in Interaktion mit Menschen„ präsentiert. „Mensch/Maschine/Roboter: Technologien für Kognitive Prozesse“ Dr. Georg Weichhart ist Senior Researcher bei der PROFACTOR GmbH und forscht im Forschungszentrum Pro²Future. Er forscht zu flexiblen und interoperablen Produktionssystemen und kognitiver Robotik. Am …

Vortrag „Mensch/Maschine/Roboter: Technologien für Kognitive Prozesse“ Read More »


COGNITIVE IT: THE DAWN OF THE AGE OF“MACHINE THINKING” A nowadays frequently reappearing question in AI dates back to an article by Alan Turing in 1950 which reads:  “I propose to consider the question, “Can machines think?” (Computing Machinery and Intelligence. Mind, Vol. 59, No. 236 (Oct., 1950), pp. 433-460).   A walk through the evolution of …