News (en)

Start Project SINPRO

Together with the company partner Primetals Technologies, project “SINPRO” got started on the 17th of October in Linz. Scientific partners in this project are the TU Graz, Institute of Interactive Systems and Data Science, JKU Linz, Institute for Application Oriented Knowledge Processing and JKU Linz, Institute of Computer Graphics.

Highlights from Pro²Future in Progress

Retrospection You can watch videos and slides from most event segments in the retrospection. Photos ” template=”default” order_by=”filename” order_direction=”ASC” returns=”included” maximum_entity_count=”500″]  

Pro2Future GmbH attending iWOAR 2018

  Michaela Murauer presented a full paper and a poster about a novel eye tracker calibration approach, called ‘Natural Pursuits’ at the 5th international Workshop on Sensor-based Activity Recognition and Interaction at the Fraunhofer Forum in Berlin.

Pro²Future in Progress & 50 Jahre TNF – Informatik JKU

Das COMET K1 Zentrum Pro²Future und der Fachbereich Informatik laden ein zu “Pro²Future in Progress & 50 Jahre TNF – Informatik JKU”. Dienstag, 18. September 2018, ab 13:00 Johannes Kepler Universität Linz, Festsaal Finales Programm 13:00 – 13:30 Eintreffen der Gäste 13:30 – 14:15 Begrüßung Prof. Dr. Alexander Egyed, Vizerektor für Forschung, Johannes Kepler Universität …

Pro²Future in Progress & 50 Jahre TNF – Informatik JKU Read More »

Pro2Future GmbH at PETRA’18

  Our employess from area 1, Michaela Murauer (Pro2Future), Michael Haslgrübler (JKU, Research Studios Austria) and Florian Jungwirth (JKU) participated on the 11th PErvasive Technologies Related to Assistive Environments Conference (PETRA’18) on Corfu, Greece and presented three publications in the fields ‘Assistive Environments for Manufacturing’ and ‘Wearable Systems and Monitoring Devices’ and attended the DAEM …

Pro2Future GmbH at PETRA’18 Read More »

Pro2Future GmbH at IONICA Congress

At the IONICA congress in Zell am See from 21 to 24 June 2018, Franz Haas and Markus Brillinger presented the subject ‘Adaptive Smart Production’. In the context of I4.0, future production concepts for the powertrain of electric vehicles as well as new production technologies were highlighted.

DP3 Vision Paper auf der CBI 2018 in Wien

Christian Huemer (CDP) und Stefan Thalmann (Pro2Future) stellen auf der 20th IEEE International Conference on Business Informatics ein Visionspapier zum gemeinsamen Demonstratorprojekt 3 vor. „Truly joined“ und mit 17 AutorInnen aus beiden Zentren stellt dieses Paper einen wichtigen Meilenstein im gemeinsamen „Common Research Programme“ dar.

Kick-off Area 1

Together with the company partners Keba, Fronius, Trumpf and Wacker Neuson, the projects SeeIT, WorkIT and GUIDE got started on May 4, in Linz. The JKU Institute of Pervasive Computing is the scientific partner.