News (en)

Success Story – Cognitive Engineering Project Support

Empowering Engineers in Large Development Processes to Precisley Focus on the Task: A Model-Based approach to manage project-specific workflows in document-centric engineering projects. The goal of concurrent designs is to have engineering teams—and especially interdisciplinary teams—working in tight interaction on many aspects of the system under design to create product innovations in shorter development cycles. …

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Rigorosum Dr. Amer Kajmakovic

On May 23rd, Amer Kajmakovic, a researcher in Area 4.1, successfully defended his dissertation thesis with distinction at the Institute of Technical Informatics at the Graz University of Technology. The thesis was written under the supervision of Univ.-Prof. Dipl.-Inform. Kay Uwe Römer. The rest of the examining committee consisted of Prof. Simon Mayer …

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derStandard :: JUST Science

Find a recent Article in the “der Standard” Supplement Magazine JUST on the topic of “Extruder optimization”:

Human-Robot Collaboration for Flexible Assembly

Flexible manufacturing processes still rely on people to respond to unforeseen situations. The goal of the DEVINE project is to repurpose rigid collaborative robots to support humans in a flexible way. Various sensors (cameras, IMU sensors, etc.) enhance the robots’ environmental perception capabilities. Using machine learning, the progress of the process is recognized with the …

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Publications Record Update (2022)

Find the complete record of Pro²Future’s publications via the main menu > Research > Publications. The record has been updated including all publications until end of 2022. Pro²Future is proud to announce a new publication record for the calendar 2022, including 38 Journal Publications, 21 Conference Publications, 5 Books/Bookchapters, 5 completed Bachelor and 5 completed …

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Pimp Your Idea

“From Technology to Business Model” was the motto of the Business Planning course at FH CAMPUS 02 in the Innovation Management course.💡 The course took place in cooperation with the research facility Pro2Future GmbH in Linz and Graz. Pro2Future GmbH derives from “Products and Production Systems of the Future” and researches and develops cognitive products …

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dieMacher :: Digital Transformation

Pro2Future is also represented in the spring issue of “DIE MACHER” magazine. Starting on page 120, editor Valentin Lischka describes the digital transformation in industry as driven by Pro2Future GmbH. An excerpt:“Many domestic production halls are home to decades-old production machines. Making these often outdated systems fit for the future with transformative technologies is Pro²Future’s …

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Vern@zt: Pro²Future brings AI to industrial manufacturing.

“Pro²Future brings AI to industrial manufacturing. Since 2017, the research center has been working on the future of industrial production with a focus on cognitive products and production systems.” is reported about Pro2Future GmbH in the Vern@zt special supplement of the OÖ Nachrichten. “Human intelligence, the knowledge accumulated in practice, manifests itself in new production …

Vern@zt: Pro²Future brings AI to industrial manufacturing. Read More »

Rigorosum Dr. Ouijdane Guiza

On February 3rd, 2023, Ouijdane Guiza, a researcher in Area 2, has been awarded a PhD in Computer Science. The title of her thesis is “Flexibility Support for Human Intensive Assembly Systems”. The objective of the thesis was to provide support for implementing flexibility in real-world assembly systems. This research addresses the gap between research …

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