Pro2Future is also represented in the spring issue of “DIE MACHER” magazine. Starting on page 120, editor Valentin Lischka describes the digital transformation in industry as driven by Pro2Future GmbH.
An excerpt:
“Many domestic production halls are home to decades-old production machines. Making these often outdated systems fit for the future with transformative technologies is Pro²Future’s field of research. “We are concerned with how to make production systems cognitive, i.e. how to make them have human-like characteristics, perceive their environment, interact with it and draw the right conclusions,” explains Markus Brillinger, Area Manager for “Cognitive Production Systems” at Pro²Future. The research center, which is based in Linz and Graz, brings AI to industrial production; it is primarily concerned with the “cognition of industry”; as a research center, it sees itself as an interface between companies and science. “Human intelligence, the knowledge accumulated in practice, manifests itself in new production systems and in efficient, people-oriented and sustainable products,” says Univ.-Prof. Alois Ferscha, scientific director of the research center.”