Muaaz Abdul Hadi, researcher from Area 4.2 – Cognitive Production Systems, presented his work at the 5th EAI International Conference on Management of Manufacturing (EAI MMS 2020). The MMS 2020 conference focussed on the topics of ICT support for Industry 4.0, intelligent manufacturing systems and applications, production planning and scheduling, to name a few.
The presented paper, titled “Parametric evaluation and cost analysis in an
e-axle assembly layout”, depicted the methodology and evaluation of an e-axle assembly layout. This was followed by a simulation study and cost analysis of the layout with implemented adaptive technologies. This paper is an extension of the previously presented paper at CATS CIRP.
This paper was co-authored with Markus Brillinger from Pro2Future along with support from AVL. The conference proceedings are yet to be published. They will soon be published in EAI publication and Springer.
With this publication, the project ASP-1 (Adaptive Smart Production 1) focussing on the assembly of e-axles marks an end. The further study in ASP-2 would deal with building cognitive assembly methodologies for fuel cells.

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