Author name: Markus Jäger

Poster Collection online

Find the current Poster Collection (2017-2020) of Pro²Future, created by our Researchers online at our Website > Research > Poster Collection

Pro²Future erfolgreich für die zweite Förderperiode evaluiert!

Pro2Future – ein hochdynamisches, hochinnovatives COMET-K1 Kompetenzzentrum Nach der erfolgreichen Zweijahresevaluierung des gemeinsam mit dem Austrian Center for Digital Production (CDP) in Wien bearbeiteten Common Research Programme (CRP) im September 2019, ist es Pro²Future nun auch gelungen bei der Zwischenevaluierung (Mid Term Evaluation) des Forschungszentrums die internationale Fachjury forschungsinhaltlich und zentrumsorganisatorisch absolut zu überzeugen. Pro2Future …

Pro²Future erfolgreich für die zweite Förderperiode evaluiert! Read More »


Muaaz Abdul Hadi, researcher from Area 4.2 – Cognitive Production Systems, presented his work at the 8th Conference on Assembly Technology and Systems (CATS), CIRP. The papers at CATS revolved around the scientific topics of Smart Factories – design for assembly, human-robot interaction / collaboration in assembly, and ICT technology for assembly monitoring & control. …

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Best Paper Award for Pro2Future

At the 6th World Congress on Mechanical, Chemical and Material Engineering (MCM20), Senior Researcher Dr. Markus Brillinger from Area 4.2 presented some of his research results on the energy efficiency of 3D printing processes.He showed that process parameters have a significant influence on the power demand of the material processing. His research is particularly important …

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Failsafe Autonomous Drone Based Warehouse Check Beyond Visual Line of Sight

The accuracy of inventory records is an essential KPI in the manufacturing industry and in many logistics operations. Currently, the amount of manual workforce needed to maintain high accuracy is relatively high. To establish the location and quantity of products and parts, and to align this information with enterprise resource planning (ERP), typically involves many …

Failsafe Autonomous Drone Based Warehouse Check Beyond Visual Line of Sight Read More »

Cooperation with AT Styria

As a new member of the Platform Automation Technology Steiermark (AT Styria) we look forward to interesting and innovative projects! Styria and especially the surrounding Graz area have a high density of specialized technical industrial and small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the field of automation technology. By networking companies and institutions, valuable synergies can …

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ARES 2020

Leo Botler our academic partner from the Institute of Technical Informatics – presented project work from the Pro2Future’s multi-firm project “Development Processes and Tools for Cognitive Products” at this years all-digital International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security (ARES 2020). The article titled “Jit Fault Detection: Increasing Availability in 1oo2 Systems Just-In-Time”, was coauthored by …

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