Author name: Markus Jäger

BigDat 2020

From the 13th to 17th of January, Area 3 and Area 4.1 employees were taking part in the 6th International Winter School on Big Data in Ancona, Italy. Through 21 different courses there was an opportunity to address major challenges of analytics, management and storage of big data and focus on different subareas like foundations, …

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ICMEP 2020

Markus Brillinger, Senior Researcher of Area 4.2 – Cognitive Production Systems – presents the results of his research at the 9th International Conference on Manufacturing Technology and Processes (ICMEP) in Budapest, Hungary. He introduced the requirements on future production systems and the research gap. Using a best practice use-case in additive manufacturing, the senior researcher …

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ÖWGP Presidency

Professor Ferscha was elected as the new president of the ÖWGP – Austrian Scientific Society for Production Technology – at the spring conference on 24 February 2020. The ÖWGP is a platform of researchers from the TU Vienna, TU Graz, Montanuni Leoben and the JKU Linz, which as the Austrian Scientific Society for Production Technology …

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HICSS 2020

Stefan Thalmann, Key Researcher in area 3 presented our paper “Industrial Production Process Improvement by a Process Engine Visual Analytics Dashboard.” at the 53rd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS). The paper work has been conducted within the DP3 of the Common Research Program (CRP) in strong collaboration with our partner CDP. The paper …

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EMCIS 2019

Milot Gashi, researcher of area 3 – Cognitive Decision Support – presented his work at the 16th European Mediterranean & Middle Eastern Conference on Information Systems (EMCIS 2019) in Dubai, UAE. He conducted a structured literature review for Multi Component Systems (MCS) in context of redictive maintenance. In this work, the state of research on …

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In October, Area 4.2 employees visited the K-2019 in Düsseldorf, this event represents the world’s largest trade fair for the plastics and rubber industry. During the trade fair visit, many productive discussions took place with current cooperation partners and other companies. Especially the important topic “Plastics Industry 4.0” had a central role in this fair. …

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ISSRE 2019

Amer Kajmakovic, researcher of area 4.1 – Cognitive Products – presented his work at the 30th International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering (ISSRE 2019) in Berlin, Germany. Amer’s contribution, titled “Flexible soft error mitigation strategy for memories in mixed-critical systems”, demonstrates how well-established mitigation strategies (i.e. parity bits and one out of two architectures), can …

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MMS Best Paper & Excellent

Muaaz Abdul Hadi, a researcher from Area 4.2 – Cognitive Production Systems took part in the 4th EAI International Conference on Management of Manufacturing Systems Conference (MMS 2019). The conference was on October 8-10 and held at Krynica, Poland. He had submitted a scientific paper “Adaptive Assembly Approach for E-Axles”. Moreover, a presentation at the …

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