Author name: Markus Jäger

Publications Record Update (2023)

Find the complete record of Pro²Future’s publications via the main menu > Research > Publications. The record has been updated including all publications until end of 2023. Pro²Future is proud to announce a new publication record for the calendar 2023, including 19 Journal Publications, 22 Conference Publications, 2 Books/Bookchapters, 8 completed Bachelors, 11 completed Masters …

Publications Record Update (2023) Read More »

Siemens CEO Roland Busch’s Visit to Graz University: Fostering Industry-Academia Collaboration.

Last week, Siemens CEO Roland Busch visited Graz University of Technology, participating in a Q&A session with over 60 students and discussing the evolution of the digital industry. During his visit to Graz, Mr. Busch highlighted multiple times the importance of #industry and #academia working together to drive #research and #innovation. The visit included exploring …

Siemens CEO Roland Busch’s Visit to Graz University: Fostering Industry-Academia Collaboration. Read More »