Prepare your research & development results for submitting to the renowned International Conference on Embedded Wireless Systems and Networks (EWSN), taking place at Johannes Kepler University in Linz/Austria on October 3-5, 2022.
Call for Papers and Call for Workshops are out now! 4 months and 2 days time for submission, conference takes place in 8 months and 15 days!
Get to know the latest research results on #embedded systems and #wireless networking and listen to key enablers for visionary scenarios such as the #IoT and #cyberphysical systems.
General Co-Chairs: Alois Ferscha & Mun Choon Chan
TPC Co-Chairs: Salil Kanhere & Ranga Rao Venkatesha Prasad
Organizing Co-Chair: Hans-Peter Bernhard
Hosting institutions of EWSN 2022: Pro2Future GmbH, Silicon Austria Labs, Linz Center of Mechatronics, @Institute of Pervasive Computing, JKU Linz (Alois Ferscha), Institute of Telecooperation, JKU Linz (Prof. Gabriele Kotsis), Institute for Communications Engineering and RF-Systems, JKU Linz, (Prof. Andreas Springer), Cyber Physical Systems Lab, JKU Linz (Prof. Alois Zoitl).
The organizers of EWSN 2022 are looking forward seeing you in Linz in October 2022!