On behalf of the rector of the JKU Linz (Univ.-Prof. Dr. Stefan Koch), our scientific director, Univ.-Prof. Dr. Alois Ferscha – in his role as Dean of the Faculty of Science and Technology (TNF) at the JKU Linz – participated at the inauguration ceremony of the new Rector of TU Graz, Univ.-Prof. Dr. Horst Bischof.
Since the founders’ meeting of Pro2Future GmbH on March 27, 2017, Prof. Horst Bischof has been appointed to the supervisory board, which is the highest controlling institution of our Centre, via the shareholder “Technische Universität Graz”. Since then, he has chaired 27 meetings of this committee.
Link to reporting from TU Graz: https://www.tugraz.at/en/tu-graz/services/news-stories/tu-graz-news/singleview/article/inauguration-des-neuen-tu-graz-rektors-horst-bischof-wir-gestalten-zukunft