Milot Gashi published project research results of Area 3 – Cognitive Decision Making, at the renowned Elsevier Journal Computers in Industry. The aim of Computers in Industry is to publish original, high-quality, application-oriented research works that contribute on the use of Information and Communication Technology, computer applications and ICT in industry.
The full paper demonstrates how EoL test-based quality control can be enhanced in case of missing usage data. An approach of defect prediction of low-quality based on contextual information is deployed. Along with defect prediction approach, an MCS perspective in context of Predictive Maintenance is proposed to remedy the small-data challenge.
“Dealing with missing usage data in defect prediction: A case study of a welding supplier” was coauthored by Milot Gashi, Patrick Ofner, Helmut Ennsbrunner, and Stefan Thalmann.
#DefectPrediction #End-of-line-testing #WeldingIndustry #PredictiveMaintenance #Multi-component-systems