Von 5. bis 7. Oktober 2022 fand die MMS 2022, die International Conference on Management of Manufacturing Systems, in Krynica-Zdroj in Polen statt. Area Manager der Area 4.2 – Cognitive Production Systems – Dr. Markus Brillinger, wurde eingeladen eine Keynote zum Thema “ Sustainable Production Systems – Game Changers from Augmented Reality to Zero-Defect Manufacturing ” zu halten.
Weitere Informationen: https://manusystems.eai-conferences.org/2022/keynotes/
The presentation will highlight recent outcomes in the field of sustainable production systems. The main underpinning technologies, also called game changers, will be discussed and it will be shown how practical implementation can succeed. The presentation depicts applications in steel production, plastics extrusion, and assembly processes. In the area of steel production, it will be shown how state-of-the-art algorithms can be used in the area of causality detection to significantly reduce the error rate. In the field of plastics extrusion, it will be shown how a new measuring method can be used to gain deep insights into the process and thus optimize the process parameters. For assembly, it is shown how sensors can be used to significantly reduce the stress load of assembly workers and thus ensure a long-term but also health-promoting deployment of employees. It can be said that sustainable production systems benefit primarily from the latest developments in IoT connectivity, and the popularly scientific field known as artificial intelligence. However, the human factor still represents an essential factor. Without the involvement of humans in production, undesirable rebound effects can occur, which must already be considered in the design of such sustainable production systems.