UAR Innovation Network 360
From June 22 to 24, the UAR Innovation Network 360° takes place virtually at The UAR Innovation Network comprehensively supports companies in exploiting the significant potential of Industry 4.0 and researches and develops ...
AT-Styria Kompetenzatlas
As a member of the Platform Automation Technology Steiermark (AT Styria) since September 2020 ( we look forward to interesting and innovative projects with other institutions! Recently, we have been ...
OÖ Zukunftsforum 2021
On 23. March 2021, the Upper Austrian “Zukunftsforum” took place virtually, providing many interesting and AI focused talks by (mainly) Upper Austrian Research Institutions and Tech-Companies. This year’s focus of the event was on ...
Happy Birthday, Pro2Future!
With today, 1st of April 2021, we are starting into the second funding period of our COMET K1 Center after successfully finishing funding period 1, beginning with 1st of April 2017. Already in September 2020 we were able to convince the Jury with a ...
ICIT 2021
Michael Mayrhofer präsentierte Ergebnisse der Area 2, Cognitive Robotics and Shopfloors, auf der IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology (ICIT). Die Konferenz behandelt Themen wie Steuerung und Regelung von Systemen in der ...
Iron & Steel Technology
Wir freuen uns, dass unsere Forschungsergebnisse “A Forecasting Model-Based Discovery of Causal Links of Key Influencing Performance Quality Indicators for Sinter Production Improvement”, welche bereits in den 2020 AISTech Conference ...
EWSN2021 Best Poster Award
Elisabeth Salomon, Junior Researcherin der Area 4.1 – Cognitive Products – präsentierte die Ergebnisse Ihrer Arbeit “Comparison of Channel State Information driven and RSSI-based WiFi Distance Estimation” als Posterbeitrag bei der ...
Publikationsverzeichnis online
Sämtliche (bis 2020) von Pro²Future veröffentlichten Konferenz- und Journalpublikationen sind online auf unserer Webseite unter > Research > Publications verfügbar.