Rigorosum Dr. Michael Mayrhofer
On September 22, 2023, Michael Mayrhofer, researcher in Area 2 “Cognitive Robotics and Shop Floors”, successfully defended his PhD with distinction at the Institute of Software Systems Engineering at Johannes Kepler University Linz. The thesis ...
dieMacher :: Products that think (with) you
Pro2Future is also represented in the fall issue of “DIE MACHER” magazine. Editor Melanie Kashofer describes cognitive products as designed by Pro2Future GmbH. Excerpt Products that think (with) you In the course of developing new vehicles, many ...
Master Degree in Industrial Engineering of Dr. Markus Brillinger
The master’s examination of Area 4.2 (Cognitive Production Systems) Area Manager DI Dr. Markus Brillinger took place on September 20, 2023, in the rooms of the smartfactory. After his first technical master’s degree (2015) and his ...
Keynote @ ImagineIKT
As part of ImagineIKT, Dr. Michael Haslgrübler, Area Manager of the “Perception and Aware Systems” area, gave a 5-minute keynote with the focus on “Developing digital technology for people”. This lecture, representative of currently ongoing ...
Large Language Model based application AERIALL presented at partner conference
Through a strategic project within Area 3 that deals with the application of Large Language Models (LLMs) in an industrial context, a first prototype has been developed and presented at the 8th Pro²Future Partner Conference on September 13, 2023. ...
dieMacher :: The European AI-paradox
In the June issue of DIE MACHER, editor Valentin Lischka writes about the European AI paradox. An excerpt: Scientific advances are often not commercially exploited in Europe – and instead end up first with competitors in Asia or the USA. This ...
GRIPS (Graz Robust and Intelligent Production System) is a team of students from Graz University of Technology that takes part in the Logistics League of the RoboCup. The team was founded in autumn 2015 as part of the “Construction of Mobile ...
Scientific Publication @ ICMCR
Muaaz Abdul Hadi, a researcher from Area 4.2 – Cognitive Production Systems, presented and published his scientific paper at the 2023 International Conference on Mechatronics, Control and Robotics held in Jeju National University, South Korea ...
Detection of Material Defects
Material defects are often hidden inside a workpiece and are only visible after processing in the final quality test. If you recognize them early on, processing can be stopped immediately, and valuable machine time is saved. As part of a research ...
derStandard :: JUST Science
Find a recent Article in the “der Standard” Supplement Magazine JUST on the topic of “Tiny AI”: https://www.just-magazin.com/science/ki-braucht-keinen-riesencomputer/