
MODELS 22 – Best Paper Award

MODELS 22 – Best Paper Award

At the 25th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems MODELS 2022 Cosmina-Cristina Ratiu received the Best Paper Award for her Publication “Reactive Links Across Multi-domain Engineering Models” ...

<strong>Rigorosum Dr. Michael Haslgrübler</strong>

Rigorosum Dr. Michael Haslgrübler

In October 2022, the Rigorosum / PhD Defense of our Area Manager Michael Haslgrübler took place. He graduated in the field of Computer Science at JKU Linz, the title of his PhD-Thesis is “Skill Recognition in Industrial Production”. In ...

<strong>Keynote ISM 2022</strong>

Keynote ISM 2022

From November 2nd to 4th, the ISM 2022, the International Conference on Industry 4.0 and Smart Manufacturing, took place in Hagenberg, Upper Austria, hosted by the University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria, Campus Hagenberg. Our Scientific ...

derStandard :: JUST Science

derStandard :: JUST Science

Find a recent Article in the “der Standard” Supplement Magazine JUST on the topic of Multilayer-Polymeres:

<strong>Keynote MMS 2022</strong>

Keynote MMS 2022

From October 5th to 7th, the MMS 2022, the International Conference on Management of Manufacturing Systems, took place in Krynica-Zdroj in Poland. Area Manager of Area 4.2 – Cognitive Production Systems – Dr. Markus Brillinger, was invited to ...

<strong>Rigorosum Dr. Maximilian Prechtl</strong>

Rigorosum Dr. Maximilian Prechtl

In October 2022, the Rigorosum / PhD Defense of our researcher Maximilian Prechtl took place. He graduated in the field of Polymer Science at JKU Linz, the title of his PhD-Thesis is “Axial Torque Measurement in Single-Screw Extrusion”. ...

derStandard :: JUST Science

derStandard :: JUST Science

Find a recent Article in the “der Standard” Supplement Magazine JUST on the topic, how during test drives, only the “edge device” records data:

Mathmod – PPS Aachen – SYNASC / Wolfgang Roland

Mathmod – PPS Aachen – SYNASC / Wolfgang Roland

Wolfgang Roland, Senior Researcher of Area 4.2 – Cognitive Production Systems, presented the research results of the Area at three international scientific conferences: Mathmod Vienna, PPS Aachen and SYNASC Hagenberg: 27.07.2022 Mathmod 2022 | ...

<strong>Rigorosum Dr. Milot Gashi</strong>

Rigorosum Dr. Milot Gashi

In September 2022, the rigorosum of our researcher Milot Gashi took place. Gashi graduated in the field of “Multi-component Systems in the context of Predictive Maintenance” at Technische Universität Graz. In the picture from left to ...

Pro²Future @ JKU Career Day 2022

Pro²Future @ JKU Career Day 2022

  JKU Career Day. Your Day. Your Chance.JKU CAREER DAY 2022 will be on October 12, 2022! THE Career Fair in Linz and Upper Austria: In Linz beginnt’s – your career.  Linz’ biggest career fair brings together everything ...

Collaborative Publication @ Applied Sciences Journal, MDPI

Collaborative Publication @ Applied Sciences Journal, MDPI

Muaaz Abdul Hadi, a researcher from Area 4.2 – Cognitive Production Systems, published a journal article in the Applied Sciences Journal, MDPI. The paper “Towards Flexible and Cognitive Production—Addressing the Production Challenges” ...

EWSN 2022

EWSN 2022

The internationally very renowned conference on embedded wireless systems and networks takes place on October 3-5, 2022 at JKU Linz, organized by Pro²Future, Linz Center of Mechatronics, Silicon Austria Labs and four Institutes of JKU. Find more ...