Peer-Reviewed Scientific Journal Paper
Brillinger, M.: 3D printing of supercooled liquids: Modelling and verification on sodium acetate trihydrate. Journal of Additive Manufacturing, Volume 76, ArticleNo. 103766. Elsevier. 2023.
Brillinger, M., Wuwer, M., Smajic, B., Abdul Hadi, M., Trabesinger, M., Oberegger, B., and Jäger, M.: Novel method to predict the energy consumption of machined parts in the design phase to attain sustainability goals. Journal of Manufacturing Processes, Volume 101, pp. 1046-1054. ELSEVIER. 2023.
Eirich, J., Jäckle, D., Sedlmair, M., Wehner, C., Schmid, U., Bernard, J., and Schreck, T.: ManuKnowVis: How to Support Different User Groups in Contextualizing and Leveraging Knowledge Repositories. IEEE Journal TVCG, Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, Volume 29, Issue 8, pp. 3441-3457. IEEE. 2023.
Gashi, M., Mutlu, B., and Thalmann, S.: Impact of Interdependencies: Multi-Component System Perspective toward Predictive Maintenance Based on Machine Learning and XAI. Journal of Applied Sciences, Volume 13, Issue 5, ArticleNo. 3088. MDPI. 2023.
Grosinger, J.: Robustly Operating: Passive Near-Field Communication Systems in Metal Environments. IEEE Microwave Magazine, Volume 24, Issue 4, pp. 30-39. IEEE. 2023.
Herac, E., Assuncao, W.K.G., Marchezan, L., Haas, R., and Egyed, A.: A flexible operation-based infrastructure for collaborative model-driven engineering. Journal of Object Technology, Volume 22, Issue 2, pp. 2:1-14. AITO. 2023.
Leimhofer, C., Hammer, A., Roland, W., Dollberger, S., Ehrmann, T., Berger-Weber, G., and Hild, S.: Investigation of interdiffusion between compatiblepolymers under static and co-extrusionprocessing conditions. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, Volume 140, Issue 46, ArticleNo. E54678. Wiley. 2023.
Mayr-Dorn, C., Vierhauser, M., Bichler, S., Keplinger, F., Cleland-Huang, J., Egyed, A., and Mehofer, T.: ProCon: An automated process-centric quality constraints checking framework. Journal of Systems and Software, Volume 202, ArticleNo. 111727. IEEE. 2023.
Michelon, G.K., Martinez, J., Sotto-Mayor, B., Arrieta, A., Assuncao, W.K.G., Abreu, R., and Egyed, A.: Spectrum-based feature localization for families of systems. Journal of Systems and Software, Volume 195, ArticleNo. 111532. IEEE. 2023.
Rahmani, H., Shetty, D., Wagih, M., Ghasempour, Y., Palazzi, V., Carvalho, N.B., Correia, R., Costanzo. A., Vital, D., Alimenti, F., Kettle, J. Masotti, D., Mezzanotte, P., Roselli, L. and Grosinger, J.: Next-Generation IoT Devices: Sustainable Eco-Friendly Manufacturing, Energy Harvesting, and Wireless Connectivity. IEEE Journal of Microwaves, Volume 3, Issue 1, pp. 237-255. IEEE. 2023.
Scimone, A., Eckelt, K., Streit, M., and Hinterreiter, A.: Marjorie: Visualizing Type 1 Diabetes Data to Support Pattern Exploration. IEEE Journal TVCG, Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, Volume 30, Issue 1, pp. 1216-1226. IEEE. 2023.
Shetty, D., Steffan, C., Bösch, W., and Grosinger, J.: Fully Passive RF Wake-Up Receiver Including a Small Loop Antenna With −30.7-dBm Sensitivity at 26-kbps Bitrate. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs, Volume 71, Issue 1, pp. 21-25. IEEE. 2023.
Sopidis, G., Haslgrübler, M., and Ferscha, A.: Counting Activities Using Weakly Labeled Raw Acceleration Data: A Variable-Length Sequence Approach with Deep Learning to Maintain Event Duration Flexibility. Journal Sensors, Volume 23, Issue 11, ArticleNo. 5057. MDPI. 2023.
Walchshofer, C., Dhanoa, V., Streit, M., and Meyer, M.: Transitioning to a Commercial Dashboarding System: Socio-Technical Observations and Opportunities. IEEE Journal TVCG, Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, Volume 30, Issue 1, pp. 381-391. IEEE. 2023.
Wang, X., Chen, W, Xia, J, Wen, Z., Zhu, R, and Schreck, T.: HetVis: A Visual Analysis Approach for Identifying Data Heterogeneity in Horizontal Federated Learning. Journal IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, Volume 29, pp. 310-319. IEEE. 2023.
Scientific Journal Paper
Prechtl, M., Löw-Baselli, B., Jäger, M., Kolb, A.: Extruder werden optimiert. derStandard JUST Science Magazin. 2023.
Ferscha, A., Jäger, M., Kolb, A.: KI braucht keinen Riesen-Computer. derStandard JUST Science Magazin. 2023.
Guiza, O., Jäger, M., Kuchling, M.: Cobot: Hand in Hand in die Zukunft. derStandard JUST Science Magazin. 2023.
Pestana, J., Krisper, M., Jäger, M., Kolb, A.: Roboterüberwachung für Großtrafos. derStandard JUST Science Magazin. 2023.
Peer-Reviewed Conference Paper
Abdul Hadi, M., Bahle, K., Brillinger, M., Haas, F., and Weinzerl, M.: Postulating a Modular and Light-Weight Approach for Fuel Cell Stacking via Cobot Vacuum End-Effector Gripping. ICMCR 2023, International Conference on Mechatronics, Control and Robotics. pp. 22-28. IEEE. 2023.
Albrecht, H., Roland, W., Dirnberger, H., Fiebig, C., and Steinbichler, G.: Simulation-based analysis of geometry-dependent wall thickness distribution in corrugated pipes. PPS36, 36th Conference of the Polymer Processing Society, Volume 2607, Issue 1, ArticleNo. 100002. AIP. 2023.
Ali-Ahmad, M.T., Pestana, J., Ribero, L.B. and Baunach, M.: Budget-Based Explainable Schedulability Analysis for Automotive Applications. ERSA 23, 2nd International Workshop on Explainability of Real-time Systems and their Analysis (ERSA) at the IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS 2023). IEEE. 2023.
Botler, L., Diwold, K., and Römer, K.: Improving Signal-Strength-based Distance Estimation in UWB Transceivers. CPS-IoT Week’23 – Cyber-Physical Systems and Internet of Things Week 2023, pp. 61-65. ACM. 2023.
Brillinger, M., and Maleki, P. J.: I5.0 as Enabler to Prevail Disability in Production. CLF 2023, 13th Conference on Learning Factories. SSRN. 2023.
Cao, N. and Saukh, O.: Mitigating Distribution Shifts in Pollen Classification from Microscopic Images Using Geometric Data Augmentations. ICPADS 2023, 29th IEEE International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems. IEEE. 2023. DOI: tba
Deshpande, K., Holzweber, J., Thalhuber, S., Hämmerle, A., Mayrhofer, M., Pichler, A., and de Paula Filho, P.L.: Manufacturing Line Ablation, an approach to perform reliable early prediction. 5th International Conference on Industry 4.0 and Smart Manufacturing. Elsevier. 2023. DOI: tba
Ember, E., Pestana, J., Krisper, M., Pelegrin, P.C., Stocker, M., Römer, K., and Boano, C.A.: Impact of Feature Selection and CIR Window Length on NLoS Classification for UWB Systems. MSN 2023, 19th International Conference on Mobility, Sensing and Networking. ACM. 2023.
Fuhrmann, F., Diwold, K., Waikat, J., Gaugl, J., Belavic, F., and Graf, F.: X-AMINOR: A Mobile Multi-Sensor Platform for Lifecycle-Monitoring of Transformers. SMARTGREEN 2023, 12th International Conference on Smart Cities and Green ICT Systems, Volume 1, pp. 121-128. Scitepress. 2023.
Gallacher, M., Stocker, M., Baddeley, M., Römer, K., and Boano, C.A.: InSight: Enabling NLOS Classification, Error Correction, and Anchor Selection on Resource-Constrained UWB Devices. EWSN 2023, 20th International Conference on Embedded Wireless Systems and Networks. ACM. 2023.
Hammer, A., Roland, W., Leimhofer, C., Hild, S., and Steinbichler, G.: A numerical study of interdiffusion processes at polymer-polymer interfaces. PPS36, 36th Conference of the Polymer Processing Society, Volume 2607, Issue 1, ArticleNo. 060005. AIP. 2023.
Kajmakovic, A., Pestana, J., Diwold, K., and Römer, K.: Fault Diagnosis and Isolation Prediction for Redundant Relays based on Discrepancy Analysis. CPEEE 2023, 13th International Conference on Power, Energy and Electrical Engineering, pp. 286-295. IEEE. 2023.
Laube, M., Sopidis, G., Anzengruber-Tanase, B., Ferscha, A., and Haslgrübler, M.: Analyzing Arc Welding Techniques improves Skill Level Assessment in Industrial Manufacturing Processes. PETRA ’23, 16th International Conference on PErvasive Technologies Related to Assistive Environments, pp. 177-186. ACM. 2023.
Leimhofer, C., Hammer, A., Roland, W., and Hild, S.: Characterization of interdiffusion between different co-extruded polymers via confocal Raman microscopy. PPS36, 36th Conference of the Polymer Processing Society, Volume 2607, Issue 1, ArticleNo. 020011. AIP. 2023.
Marchezan, L., Assuncao, W.K.G., Herac, E., Keplinger, F., Egyed, A., and Lauwery, C.: Fulfilling Industrial Needs for Consistency Among Engineering Artifacts. ICSE-SEIP 2023, IEEE/ACM 45th International Conference on Software Engineering: Software Engineering in Practice, pp. 246-257. IEEE. 2023.
Marchezan, L., Assuncao, W.K.G., Michelon, G.K., and Egyed, A.: Do Developers Benefit from Recommendations when Repairing Inconsistent Design Models? a Controlled Experiment. EASE 2023, 27th International Conference on Evaluation and Assessment in Software Engineering, pp. 131-140. ACM. 2023.
Ratiu, C.C., Mayr-Dorn, C., Assuncao, W.K.G., and Egyed, A.: Taming Cross-Tool Traceability in the Wild. RE 2023, IEEE 31st International Requirements Engineering Conference, pp. 233-243. IEEE. 2023.
Sormann, C., Rossi, M., Kuhn, A., and Fraundorfer, F.: S-TREK: Sequential Translation and Rotation Equivariant Keypoints for local features extraction. IEEE/CVF 2023, International Conference on Computer Vision, pp. 9728-9737. IEEE. 2023.
Sormann, C., Santellani, E., Rossi, M., Kuhn, A., and Fraundorfer, F.: DELS-MVS: Deep Epipolar Line Search for Multi-View Stereo. WAKV2023, IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision, pp. 3086-3095. IEEE. 2023.
Stocker, M., Gallacher, M., Boano, C.A., and Römer, K.: Applying NLOS Classification and Error Correction Techniques to UWB Systems: Lessons Learned and Recommendations. CPS-IoT Week’23 – Cyber-Physical Systems and Internet of Things Week 2023, pp. 78-83. ACM. 2023.
Stritzinger, U., Roland, W., Albrecht, H., Löw-Baselli, B., and Steinbichler, G.: Analyzing the flow characteristics of co-rotating twin-screw extruder conveying elements. PPS36, 36th Conference of the Polymer Processing Society, Volume 2607, Issue 1, ArticleNo. 060006. AIP. 2023.
Waikat, J., Jelidi, A., Lic, S., Sopidis, G., Kähler, O., Maly, A., Pestana, J., Fuhrmann, F., and Belavic, F.: Preliminary Results by a Multi-Sensor Robot for the Lifecycle Monitoring of Transformers. ICTRAM 2023, 6th International Colloquium Transformer Research and Asset Management. CIGRE. 2023.
Brillinger, M.: AI in der Produktion – Neueste Ansätze zur Energieeffizienzsteigerung. Keynote @ Industrial Data Science Meetup, Greiner Kremsmünster. 2023.
Brillinger, M.: KI in der Logistik – Best Practices and Lessons Learned. Keynote @ VNL Logistik Forum Graz. 2023.
Ferscha, A.: Pro²Future Epoche II. Keynote @ 8. Pro²Future Partner Conference Graz. 2023.
Ferscha, A.: Cognitive Products. Keynote @ LIT AI Lab Events Linz. 2023.
Guiza, O.: Transforming Industries: Tooling AI Towards Cognitive Production. Keynote @ AI Challenges (Thinking AI), SWP Hagenberg. 2023.
Haas, F., Abdul Hadi, M., Rodriguez, I.G.: Digitalisierung des Schleifprozesses in der Smart Factory 2030. Keynote @ Schleiftagung 2023, Stuttgart. 2023.
Haslgrübler, M.: Developing digital technology for people. Keynote @ ImagineIKT, Wien. 2023.
Haslgrübler, M.: KI-Assistenzsysteme. Impulsvortrag @ Österreichischen FH-Betriebsrät*innen Vernetzungstreffens, Kärtnen. 2023.
Huber, J.: KI Assistenzsysteme am Arbeitsplatz. Keynote @ Abschlussevent der AK Digioffensive, Wien. 2023.
Krisper, M.: Cognitive Products. Keynote @ TU Graz Science Day 2023, Alte Technik TU Graz. 2023.
Schreck, T., Mutlu, B., and Streit, M.: Visual Data Science for Industrial Applications. Digital Transformation. Springer. 2023.
Huber, J., Schobesberger, M., Hochreiter, D., Grünberger, S., Haslgrübler, M., and Ferscha, A.: Risiken und Potentiale von KI in der Produktion (Whitepaper). OSF. 2023.
Technical Reports, Patents & Posters
Siegl, M.: DATATOPIA: The World of Unlimited Industrial Data and Exploration. Poster @ CESG 2023. Hagenberg. 2023.
Suschnigg, J.: Unlocking Insights: Visual Analytics for Multivariate Time Series Data in Industrial Engineering. Poster @ TU Graz Science Days. Graz. 2023.
Krisper, M.: Cognitive Products. Poster @ TU Graz Institute ITI. Graz. 2023.
Krisper, M.: Cognitive Production Systems. Poster @ TU Graz Institute ITI. Graz. 2023.
Awards & Honors
Vukovic, M. and Thalmann, S.: Nominated for Best Paper Award “Causal Discovery in Manufacturing: A Structured Literature Review” (Decision 02/2024). Journal of Manufacturing and Materials Processing – Special issue: “Industry 4.0: Manufacturing and Materials Processing”. 2023.
Abdul Hadi, M.: ÖWGP Dissertationspreis “Data-driven and energy-efficient production optimization for manufacturing and assembly“. 2023.
Finished PhD Theses
Diwold, Johannes: Theory and Applications of Discrete-time Flatness
Guiza, Ouijdane: Self-adaptive Human-Intensive Cyber-Physical-Production-Systems
Schwarzinger, Kevin: Modelling and Control of Plastic Extrusion Machines
Happ Botler, Leo: Advances in Safety and Security-critical Ultra-Wideband-Based Indoor Localization Systems
Kajmakovic, Amer: Predictive Fail-Safe: Advanced Services for Safety Architectures
Sormann, Christian: Multi-view stereo in the deep learning era
Mayrhofer, Michael: Model Driven Software Engineering for Flexible Distributed Production using OPC UA
Koutroulis, Georgios: Causal Discovery in Non-Linear Time Series Data
Abdul Hadi, Muaaz: Data-driven and energy-efficient production optimization for manufacturing and assembly
Zacher, Maximilian: A network theory based approach modeling barrier screws in combination with grooved plasticizing barrels
Finished Master Theses
Jahan-Maleki, Parham: Digitalization in Production as an Enabler for Workers with Disabilities
Reiter, Oliver: Machine learning methods for classification of injection moulding processes
Thumfart, Stefan: Zustandserkennung von Drahtseilen an Hubwerken
Hödl, Thomas: AI-driven guidance for supporting users in performing information seeking tasks
Ratasich, Martin: Reibungsverlust von Rillenkugellagern bei Ausrichtungsfehlern
Preda, Anamaria Roberta: Supporting Traceability of Engineering Artefacts with Natural Language Processing
Göschl, Julian: Creation and Evaluation of a Matchmaking Platform for Student Projects
Taskiran, Samet: Modellprädiktive Temperaturregelung eines Schneckenextruders
Shami, Somayeh: Continual learning for improved trash classification in recycling
Brillinger, Markus: Optimierungsansätze in der Zerspanung von bleifreiem Messing als wesentlicher Beitrag zur ökologischen und ökonomischen Nachhaltigkeit in der Produktion
Fediuk, Vanessa: Dashboard Onboarding from a User’s Perspective
Finished Bachelor Theses
Nagy, Richard: Wie kann eine Kommunikationsstrategie mit einem Marketingkonzept für die Pro2Future GmbH zur Steigerung der Kundengewinnung aussehen
Ahmed, Ahmed: Cognitive Applications for Monitoring based on the ROS2 Platform
Traussnig, Daniel: Control-Flow Graph Validation of ELF Images
Vögel, Elias: McILEAF: Microcontroller Instruction-Level Execution Analysis Framework
Rogi, Raphael: Plastic Waste Classification Using Convolutional Neural Networks
Süß, Christoph: Development of a Multi-Container Application with Docker
Holzweber, Jan: Virtual Process Editor for Cyper Physical Production Systems
Schachinger, Florian: Smart e-Bike Monitoring System
Finished Habilitations