Success Story – Cognitive Sensing Framework for Vehicles

Monitoring System for higher safety, efficiency, real-time traffic insights and situational analytics of vehicle fleets

With the increasing number of cars on the road, tracking the traffic and environmental conditions is crucial to ensure efficiency, safety, and quality. To avoid manipulation, such monitoring systems must function independently of the vehicle’s internal systems and monitor driving behaviour in real time. In such a way they provide valuable data to enhance safety, efficiency, and overall performance. By continuously monitoring a vehicle fleet’s performance, these systems can detect potential safety issues and alert drivers to take corrective action. Another benefit is that engineers can externally monitor the vehicle’s performance and compare it with data from internal systems to identify potential issues, enabling them to make necessary adjustments and improvements.

In the CORVETTE project, Pro²Future, AVL List GmbH and TU Graz collaborated to develop an in-car monitoring system with the goal of establishing an infrastructure for cognitive vehicle fleet monitoring, which consists of collecting, evaluating, interpreting, and utilizing vehicle data for data-driven services. This encompassed supporting development processes and offering in-vehicle services like giving immediate feedback on driving situations during test drives.

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