Alexander Egyed
Univ.-Prof. Dr.
Dr. Egyed is a Full Professor at the Johannes Kepler University (Austria) and the Chair for Software-Intensive Systems. He heads the Institute for Software Systems Engineering (ISSE) and is recognized for his work on software and systems engineering – particularly on software and system design modeling, consistency (=i.e., correctness and completeness), traceability (i.e., where is information coming from, where is it being used?) and product-line engineering (i.e., how to handle a large number of variants of a software product). In terms of publications, he is the author of over a hundred refereed scientific book, journals, conferences, and workshop contributions, with over 3700 citations. His publications pretty much cover all top-tier conferences and journals. He was recognized among the Top 1% publishing scholars in software engineering twice: 1) by Communications of the ACM magazine and 2) by Springer Scientometrics; and among the Top 1% cited scholars.
- +43 732 2468 - 4382
- Linz