Alois Ferscha
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Alois Ferscha is university professor of Computer Science, head of the Institute of Pervasive Computing (JKU Linz) and the research studio “Pervasive Computing Applications” (RSA FG). From 2015-2017 he was dean of the Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences at JKU Linz. He holds the Heinz Zemanek Award (1992), the Cross Border Award (2009) and the Innovation Award (2009, 2011). He successfully completed numerous national and international projects. Alois Ferscha (co)authored more than 300 scientific publications. He serves on several (inter-)national advisory boards, e.g. EC DG Connect, IFIP TC 10, bmvit, bmlvs, jsut to name a few. He has served on steering and programme committees of well-known conferences like PERVASIVE, UBICOMP, ISWC, ADAPTIVE, ARCS, etc.
Current research topics:
- Pervasive Computing and Ubiquitous Computing
- Networked Embedded Systems, Embedded Intelligence, Cyber-Physical Systems
- Recognition Architectures, Machine Learning, Pattern Recognition
- Cognitive Systems (Perception, Awareness, Learning), Human Attention
- Collective Adaptive Systems, Complex Systems
- Wireless Sensor/Actuator Systems
- Coordination Models, Calculi, and Languages
- Software Architecture, Distributed Software Systems
- Very Large Scale Parallel and Distributed Discrete Event Simulation
- +43 732 2468 - 4762
- +43 699 1111 1010
- Linz